Floyd led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by president-elect Jack Proffitt. Fines were opened. Floyd Olmstead was fined for not being cheerful about being fined for saying we do the pledge different. Meeting Notes RSVP’s...
Art Ridley led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Lynn Eastman. Fines were opened and there was no escaping the abuse of fines from, the soon to be ex-king, John Losinski. Meeting Notes President Greg Hilliker informed us of...
I am not sure who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning because it started before most of us were ready. It was followed by a prayer by Ken Cullen. Fines were opened; however, this week Stephanie Eastman avoided the weekly “Stephanie Eastman is...
Matt Mrasek led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning followed by a prayer by Lynn Eastman. Fines were opened and it didn’t take long for our President to get fined for losing control of the meeting. The best fine of the day was passed unanimously for...
Norm Myers led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning followed by a prayer by Lynn Eastman. Fines were opened and Lynn Eastman was doing a good job monopolizing them until John Losinski, acting like a real king, jumped in and dominated in levying fines. Meeting...
Jeff Dennings led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning followed by a prayer by Ken Cullen. Fines were opened just in time to fine Stephanie once again for arriving late. John Losinski, acting like a real king, dominated in levying fines. We all suffered his...