West Flint Optimist Club Event Calendar
Click on a day to view event details.
About Us
This is the official website of the West Flint Optimist Club which was founded in 1963. We raise money to support several local charities that support children. A few of our benefactors are Whaley Children’s Center, CANUSA Games, Old Newsboys of Flint, YMCA of Greater Flint, University of Michigan – Flint Scholarships and many others.
Our best fund raising event is $5000 Raffle. The raffle is actually a reverse raffle, meaning that the last ticket drawn is the winner of the $5000. The first ticket drawn and every tenth ticket win the cost of the raffle ticket. A separate ticket which includes dinner for two with drinks at our event held at the Atlas Valley Country Club.
Greg Hilliker is our current President.
Breakfast Thursdays @ 7:30AM
Club Newsletters

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 10-28-20
Kalyn Mullens - 2020 Oratorical Winner "Just IMagine a World Without Boundaries" -the theme of this year's Oratorical Competition - was effectively and impressively delivered virtually by Kalyn at this year's OI Convention and is available here. A relatively...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 9/24/20
Our most recent guest speaker, Deb Hawley from St. Francis Prayer Center, with President Greg HillikerEarly in the month, Pat Peters from Special Olympics was here to share with 12 members about their ongoing efforts and the changes and...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter 8/06/2020
The club has been meeting for a number of weeks at the Valley Bistro. Our attendance has been growing. Last meeting 14 embers present and one zoom participant. Social distancing has not been a problem. Plenty of room for all. The board has been busy conducting...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter 06/25/2020
No meeting July 022020 because of holiday. Have a safe 4th We had 6 members in attendance on Thursday with one zoom member.There was discussion in regard to honoring Doc Hale for all he has done for the WFOC. The club is considering naming the raffle in his honor....