West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 11/10/16
Casey Slinker & Sam Roth from Whaley Children’s Center spoke with the West Flint Optimist Club today about their work and mission. Invited by Speaker Chair Dan Crannie, they used slides and anecdotes to relate the origins and history of this important resource:...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 11/3/16
A relieved Dan Crannie introduced Kathleen Payton, Development Director at the Food Bank to be our guest speaker for the morning. Kathleen’s 13-year tenure has seen expansion of food distribution to 5 “Main Banks”, several more distribution centers, and 17 large...
West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/27/16
Patrick Naswell introduced Adrian Walker from Diplomat Specialty Pharmacy as our guest speaker today. Although Adrian is relatively new to his job as “conscience” (I believe his actual title is Director of Social Responsibility) of the organization, having taken the...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 10/20/16
Patrick Naswell, new WFOC member, spoke with us tis morning about his work with the Hurley Foundation and its work with Childrens Miracle Network and other programs. The Club’s annual gift of monetary support and Telethon teamwork are appreciated as this “world’s...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 10/13/16
Steven Low and Eric Woodyard were our guests this morning, introduced by David Crabill. Steve is from the Flint Jewish Federation and spoke with us recently about the "Harmony in Humanity" event that is coming up soon. Among the events associated with this...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 10/6/16
Liz Ruediger from Shelter of Flint, & Misty from its affiliate program, One Stop Housing Resource Center, spoke with us today about their work. Shelter of Flint relocated to its present Cedar Street location in 2013, expanding its main operation to over 20,000...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 9/29/16
Ted Valley, accused by Dave Crabill of blatant thespianism, came from Vertigo Productions to encourage each of our 16 members present to 'Embrace Your Inner Child." He suggested that many of us older folks need to remember how to play and to engage with those who do....
West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter- 9/22/16
Steven Low, Executive Director of the Flint Jewish Federation, spoke to 14 of our members and 2 guests about his "non-sectarian, non-denominational" organization. Although the organization is invested in disaster relief, medical transport (the only "out-of-county"...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 9/1/16
Our "Repeat" Guest Speaker Joe Farah, continuing his series of presentations on the use of the English language, shifted from his previous topic of "Trash Talk" to the new topic of "Sentence Completion": Really, folks, these were his topics, even if the context is not...
West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 8/25/16
WEST FLINT OPTIMIST CLUB 8/25/16 Newsletter Former West Flint Club Member and President-Designate Stephanie Eastman, now residing and working in Naples, Florida, and serving as President to their Optimist Club, returned to our Club wearing a tiara and identified...